Jeremy Correnti Wood
>> Graphic Design: Nicole Abdelnour
>> Creative: Marissa Roberts
>> Production: 160/90
Biohaven came to 29Rooms looking to partner with Refinery29 to help spread the word of "migraine inequality". Piggybacking off of their latest marketing campaign, this multisensorial installation gave guests the opportunity to educate themselves on migraine inequality while also physically engaging in a playful space.
This bold and graphic installation was designed with the intention of being approached from any direction and with multiple engagement points. Rather than creating a space that gave guests the feeling of migraine or educating them on what it feels like to experience one, Biohaven wanted something different. Instead, this installation and experience were rooted in the keyword of "imbalance" and how the imbalance of migraine care and inequality not only greatly affects women but also POC.

>> Floor Plan